To all Year 6,
I wish you all the very best for the years ahead. Enjoy High School and take up as many of the opportunities it offers you as you can.
I'd like to share this little message from a past year 12 Woopi High student after leaving school and returning for a visit a year later: Oh, wow..I wish I was back at school...they were the best days!!!
I hope that you will say the same thing when you look back on your experience.
Enjoy having your friends around you, lots of free time and plenty of great opportunities to learn about the world you live in, life and living happily!!
The Summer Reading Club is happening at the Library these summer holidays, 'READ on the Wild Side' has loads of activities that will engage young people of all ages in reading and sharing books, games, craft and storytelling from 7th December through to the 21st January and it's all free!
To take part in the 'READ on the Wild Side' Summer Reading Club all you need to do is:-
Be a member of the library, ie have your own library card.